Zihni is a senior partner of the firm and currently practices
commercial and corporate laws. He specialises in legislative drafting
and privatisation and has been engaged by various Government agencies to
draft new and amending laws and prepare documentations for numerous
privatisation and corporatisation exercises carried out by the Malaysian
Nasir Zihni graduated from the University of London with
LL.B. (Hons) in 1982 and obtained a Bar-at-law degree from Lincoln’s
Inn, London, in 1983. In addition, he has a Diploma in Science from ITM
(now known as UiTM). He was admitted as an advocate and solicitor of the
High Court of Malaya in 1984. He became a junior partner in 1990 after
serving the firm as an associate for about 6 years.
Some of the matters handled by him were:
- Joint ventures relating to property and resort
development, overseas investments, establishment of manufacturing
facilities in Thailand and Indonesia, venture capital investments and
matters relating to asset and project management, and the establishment
of unit trust schemes
- Computer and IT contracts, and in particular, was a
co-leader of the firm’s team established to handle all flagships under
the E-Government Projects for the Malaysian Government
- Acted for commercial and merchant banks and finance
companies in the preparation of various types of loan and financing
arrangements such as bridging and end-finance facilities, aircraft
financing, equity, mezzanine, project and working capital financing for
both conventional and Islamic based financing and security documents
- Prepared several legislations and licences,
particularly, the Ports (Privatisation) Act 1990, Railways Act 1991,
Railway (Successors Company) Act 1991, Securities Industry (Central
Depositories) Act 1991, the Railway Licence issued to KTMB under the
Railways Act 1991, Civil Aviation Regulations 1996 and the Airport
Licence issued to Malaysia Airports Berhad under the Civil Aviation
1969, Highway Authority Malaysia (Amending) Bill.
- Redrafted and updated the Memorandum & Articles
of Association of The Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange in 1997 to accommodate
the new membership structure of the Exchange as well as to revise,
update and consolidate the rules of the Exchange into one single body of
rules known as “The Rules of The Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange” and
subsequently, was assigned to revise the Listing Requirements of the
- Acted as legal consultant in various privatisation
exercises carried out by the Federal Government and various statutory
authorities covering feasibility studies, corporatisation and
privatisation of the corporatised entities.
Telephone: +603 4043 2888
Fax: +603 4043 8800
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Nasir Zihni Yusoff Zaky
Senior Partner